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Willie Brandon
Chief Operations Officer
Aberdeen School District
Felecia Cox-Lenoir
Board Member
Aberdeen School District
Jennifer Dobbs
FED Programs/SPED Assistant
Aberdeen School District
Brad Durbin
Computer Technician
Aberdeen School District
Dorothy Frembgen
Network Specialist
Aberdeen School District
Sharon Gladney
Superintendent Assistant
Aberdeen School District
Dr. Keila Glenn
Director of Federal Programs
Aberdeen School District
April Hazzle
Director of Instructional Technology
Aberdeen School District
LaTosha Hubbard
Director of Child Nutrition
Aberdeen School District
Angie Irvin
School Board
Aberdeen School District
Dr. Antwaunette Jones-Taylor
Director of Student Support Services
Aberdeen School District
Clarence Lee
Maintenance Worker
Aberdeen School District
Kimberly Lenoir
Operations Assistant
Aberdeen School District
Patrick Lockett
School Board
Aberdeen School District
Michelle Lowe
Payroll Clerk
Aberdeen School District
Chasity Middlebrook
Accounts Payable Clerk & Curriculum Secretary
Aberdeen School District
Tony Oliver
School Board
Aberdeen School District
Dr. Andrea Pastchal-Smith
Aberdeen School District
Jason Roberson
Operations Supervisor
Aberdeen School District
Shicola Rush
Accounting Specialist
Aberdeen School District