Aberdeen Parent University November 2023


The Aberdeen School District recently hosted an event that promises to leave a lasting impact on the educational landscape - the much-anticipated Parent University. A gathering of parents, students, and community members created an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm. This event, featuring influential figures like School Board President Mr. Lockett and Mayor Scott, reached new heights with the inclusion of LT Moore as the distinguished guest speaker, sharing insights on the captivating world of aviation training. Dr. Glenn, an innovative educator and ASD's Director of Special Programs, also played a pivotal role by introducing interactive games that fostered participation, critical thinking, and teamwork in the creation of paper planes.

Setting the Stage:

LT Moore, a seasoned aviation expert, took the stage to kick off the evening with his riveting speech. Moore's presentation delved into the exciting realm of aviation training, captivating the audience with his personal journey and experiences in the field. 

Inspiring Words from LT Moore:

Moore's engaging presentation not only demystified the world of aviation but also served as a motivational catalyst for students with aspirations of soaring through the skies. He shared stories of overcoming challenges, urging students to dream big and consider unconventional career paths. Moore's words resonated deeply, leaving a lasting impression on both students and parents alike.

Interactive Learning with Dr. Glenn:

Dr. Glenn's innovative approach to learning took center stage as she introduced games that encouraged active participation, critical thinking, and teamwork. Parents and students alike were immersed in the hands-on experience of creating paper planes, turning the educational event into a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Closing Remarks by Mayor Scott and Mr. Lockett:

As the event drew to a close, Mayor Scott and Mr. Lockett delivered impactful closing remarks. Mayor Scott expressed gratitude for the collective effort that went into making Parent University a success, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in shaping the educational journey.  Mayor Scott's remarks set a tone of upliftment, highlighting the collaborative efforts between the city and the school district in shaping the educational experience for students. His words emphasized the shared responsibility of nurturing the next generation.

Mr. Lockett echoed these sentiments, highlighting the significance of events like Parent University in fostering a strong sense of community and shared purpose. He thanked everyone involved and reinforced the idea that education is a collaborative journey involving students, parents, educators, and the wider community.


Aberdeen School District's Parent University event was a resounding success, leaving attendees inspired and motivated. The strategic placement of LT Moore as the guest speaker, Mayor Scott's community-centric vision, and Mr. Lockett's closing remarks created a well-rounded and impactful experience. Dr. Glenn's interactive games added a dynamic layer to the event, turning education into a collaborative and enjoyable endeavor. As the event concluded, it was evident that Parent University had not only provided valuable information but had also strengthened the bonds within the community. With a renewed sense of purpose and a shared commitment to education, Aberdeen School District and its community are undoubtedly poised to soar to new heights.